
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Mastering Scarcity: Unveiling the Psychology and Impact of Scarcity Marketing Cues on Consumer Behavior

Mastering Scarcity: Unveiling the Psychology and Impact of Scarcity Marketing Cues on Consumer Behavior

The use of scarcity marketing, employing phrases like "Before it's too late!" or "Limited Edition!" to trigger the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), has become a widespread practice in marketing. You’ve probably spent a pretty penny on websites with a countdown clock or rushed to your nearby Starbucks for a limited-time flavor. Pumpkin-spice latte, anyone? 

Why Extended Wait Times Can Benefit the Consumer Experience

Why Extended Wait Times Can Benefit the Consumer Experience

Imagine hurriedly entering the supermarket with a shopping list in hand, determined to exit swiftly. You scan the cash registers, seeking the shortest queue. However, just as you think you've made the fastest choice, you realize the wait time is longer than expected. Frustrating. Or is it?

Contrary to common belief that a linear relationship exists between wait time expectations and consumer satisfaction, waiting longer than expected isn't always detrimental to customer satisfaction. In this blog, we delve deeper into the relationship between waiting, expectations, and customer satisfaction.

The Secret Sauce in Promoting Your Healthy Food Product: Keep your Brand Name Sweet and Short

The Secret Sauce in Promoting Your Healthy Food Product: Keep your Brand Name Sweet and Short

Picture this: you're wandering the aisles of a grocery store, looking for a healthy snack. You come across two seemingly identical products, but one has a brand name that's as long as a Shakespearean monologue, while the other has a snappy, short name that's easier to remember. Which one are you more likely to trust as the healthier choice? Did you rely on your instincts and beliefs about the product rather than scrutinizing its nutritional label? 


As consumers, our food choices are heavily influenced by our intuition (Chan & Zhang, 2022; Motoki & Togawa, 2022). In turn, our intuition is largely shaped by branding elements. From brand names to logos and even the personality associated with a brand, these cues offer us valuable information that guides our purchasing decisions.


For instance, foods packaged in green or blue colors are often perceived as healthier, while those in red packaging may trigger a different response (Huang & Lu, 2015; Schuldt, 2013). But what about brand names? Can a simple name affect how we perceive the healthfulness of a product? 

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