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Current Topic: Advertising

The Reason Why Sex Sells: It Makes You Feel Dirty

The Reason Why Sex Sells: It Makes You Feel Dirty

Sex in advertising campaigns can go both ways. On the one hand, it is an attention grabber. Being able to capture a consumer’s attention in this overly crowded world is potentially one of the best qualities an advertisement can have. Additionally, watching a sexual advertisement is a positive and rewarding experience.

On the other hand, sex can disgust people. Imagine watching tv with your friends, colleagues or family. All of a sudden, a naked woman is promoting the newest fragrance by some brand. You go red and avert your eyes. Seeing such a sexual image makes you feel dirty. How and why does sex sell, when it can bring about such different feelings in consumers?

How to use unsatisfied curiosity to boost sales of fatty foods and luxury items

How to use unsatisfied curiosity to boost sales of fatty foods and luxury items

The use of curiosity in marketing is nothing new. Every day, our curiosity is activated by teasers, advertisements, blog titles, and e-mails in our inbox. They evoke a motivational state to obtain missing information. We feel an irresistible urge to gain the missing knowledge. And…before you know it, you fell for it! You have watched the full video or clicked on that email to read its content. Your curious itch is scratched.

But that’s the problem. In order for this type of marketing to work, the consumer has to take that extra step to actually satisfy that curiosity. Although we experience an urge to close the gap between what we know and want to know, nowadays we are bombarded with click-baits and teasers. And the more it’s used, the less we fall for it.

Love is…: Why We Love the Brands We Use Together

Love is…: Why We Love the Brands We Use Together

Every day, companies and brands vie for the attention of consumers. Through a consumer’s interaction with a brand’s product, this brand wants to become an inseparable part of the consumer’s life.

But should brands focus on the individual consumer? What if a brand can become an inseparable part of the consumer’s relationships – for example, with a spouse? It appeared that brands can benefit from focusing on couples and their shared usage of brands’ products through becoming a significant part of their shared identity narrative.

Generating The Perfect Face For Your Ad

Generating The Perfect Face For Your Ad

What is the perfect face for a beauty ad? And which would you use for domestic violence prevention?

In advertising, the primary mission is to promote products or to convey ideas using persuasive language and images. Faces are a key aspect of ads and are often portrayed differently depending on the product advertised and message communicated. But what makes a face visually persuasive?

The True Power of Front-of-Package Labels

The True Power of Front-of-Package Labels

There are only 24 hours in a day for us to get through our to-do lists. So how do we decide what to prioritize? Lucky for us, our brains use cognitive shortcuts to simplify decisions and cut corners. But here’s the catch: cutting corners has consequences. And when it comes to our brain, cutting corners leads to cognitive biases.

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