A couple of years back I was browsing through my Facebook feed when I came across an ad from a brand selling high-end watches, promoting one of their new products. At first, I barely glanced at the ad, I didn’t care, it was just another ad.
Here’s when it became interesting.
A few days later- as I was sluggishly reading my Facebook feed- I came across this same ad. With the same copy, offer and image. There was not a slight change in the ad and yet my response was very different.
What had changed? The difference was that I realized two friends I look up to had liked the ad. Therefore, I decided to give it a chance.
To make a long story short. I ended up reading the ad, watching the 25-second video, reacted to the ad (I’m sure I gave it a heart), and finally clicking on the ad.
So what happened? Simple: We like the things that are liked by the people we know. Keep on reading to discover the psychology that lies beneath this interesting phenomenon.
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Friday, 12 February 2021
With knowledge expanding increasingly fast these days it might be hard to keep track of what is new and happening in Neuromarketing. We try to review new articles weekly in order to keep you up to date on what is new.
To give you an overview of Neuromarketing insights in 2020, we’ve selected the articles that you guys found most interesting and were read the most. These are the 5 best Neuromarketing insights of 2020!
Posted in Research, Archive, Strategy, Advertising, Conversion
published on Monday, 01 February 2021
Here at New Neuro Marketing we review new research papers weekly to provide you with the latest insights on Neuromarketing. These are 5 insights that were not yet published in an article but we still want you to know about them so you don’t miss a thing!
Posted in Research, Archive, Strategy, Advertising
published on Monday, 04 January 2021
Imagine that you are on the bus, on your way to work. You’re bored, waiting to arrive at your destination. When you look up, your eyes fall on several ads placed on the bus. They include texts and logos and are screaming for your attention. You see one that includes a QR code. Now think of this - what would make you want to grab your phone and scan the QR code?
There could be several reasons. However, think of this subject from a marketer’s perspective. How can you make people scan your QR code and draw them to your online environment? And accordingly, make them interact with your website? Let’s find out!
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Wednesday, 09 December 2020
When Negative Branding works
''Read this, you loser..''
Quiz time! What do Weekend Offender, Gucci Guilty, Monster Energy, Fresh Ego Kid, Arrogant Bastard Ale, Dior Sauvage have in common?
That’s right: these are all brand or product names with a negative, dark or unpleasant connotation. Terms like offender, monster, and bastard are all related to negative concepts in our brains.
But did you know that this type of “negative” branding can lead to the most positive outcomes? Recent research shows that negative branding can make brands more appealing to members of the target audience, and increases their willingness to pay.
In this blog, you’ll learn why and when negative branding works, so you can use it to your advantage.
Are you ready to discover the bright side of negative branding? Just keep reading!
Posted in Archive, Advertising
published on Tuesday, 10 November 2020