
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Carlijn van den Aker

Carlijn van den Aker

I have always been intrigued by how the human brain works. Why us human beings do what we do. That’s the reason why I started my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. In those three years I learned a lot about the different parts of the human brain. But gradually I became more interested in why certain choices were made in advertising. What did the marketer use in this campaign to influence my behavior? In what way are our purchase decisions guided? This is why I knew the Master Economic and Consumer Behavior would really suit me. I’ve learned a lot about emotions, irrationality of decisions and how to use the results of the latest psychology research into real life marketing. As a writer for New Neuro - and Unravel Research intern - I keep myself updated on the latest developments within the industry, while I can let my creativity run free!

Articles from this author

How to use unsatisfied curiosity to boost sales of fatty foods and luxury items

How to use unsatisfied curiosity to boost sales of fatty foods and luxury items

The use of curiosity in marketing is nothing new. Every day, our curiosity is activated by teasers, advertisements, blog titles, and e-mails in our inbox. They evoke a motivational state to obtain missing information. We feel an irresistible urge to gain the missing knowledge. And…before you know it, you fell for it! You have watched the full video or clicked on that email to read its content. Your curious itch is scratched.

But that’s the problem. In order for this type of marketing to work, the consumer has to take that extra step to actually satisfy that curiosity. Although we experience an urge to close the gap between what we know and want to know, nowadays we are bombarded with click-baits and teasers. And the more it’s used, the less we fall for it.

The Top 8 Marketing Psychology Podcasts (updated 2024)

The Top 8 Marketing Psychology Podcasts (updated 2024)

Reading books and online articles or attending conventions are a fundamental way of keeping your knowledge up to date. To stay on top of your game. But when do we – us busy human beings – find the time to sit down and just read a book? Or an article? Our lifestyle has changed so much that we hardly have any time left. But luckily for us, there are podcasts! With a simple press of the play button it is very easy to stay informed while you are for example driving to your next appointment or when you are in the gym.

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