
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Amy Megicks

Amy Megicks

My passion for neuromarketing originated from my bachelor's degree in Psychology, where I became captivated by the profound impact our unconscious thoughts and emotions wield over our consumers choices. After finishing my degree in 2023 I started working in the marketing industry to start applying my knowledge.

Contributing to NewNeuromarketing as a writer allows me to not only educate their audience but also stay updated on the latest discoveries in this field. This opportunity enables me to bridge the gap between cutting-edge psychological research and practical marketing applications. By integrating the findings from recent studies, I can demonstrate how marketers can effectively leverage these insights to enhance their strategies and connect with consumers on a deeper level.



Articles from this author

The psychology behind influencer marketing

The psychology behind influencer marketing

Picture this: You’re mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed, and there she is – Kylie Jenner, effortlessly flaunting the latest makeup trends. Now, Kylie is not just a reality TV superstar; she's a mega influencer with millions of followers. When you see her sharing her makeup tips and product recommendations, you can't help but feel a sense of wishful identification. You admire her glamorous lifestyle and think, "Maybe I can achieve a touch of that too!" It's like having a front-row seat to the world of luxury. These feelings of identification with Kylie spark a desire to emulate her, and suddenly, those makeup products she's endorsing become must-haves in your beauty routine.

The Surprising Impact of Front-of-Package Labels of Food Ads on Consumer Behavior

The Surprising Impact of Front-of-Package Labels of Food Ads on Consumer Behavior

It’s Saturday night and you’re watching your favorite show. As the show reaches a thrilling climax, it cuts to a commercial break, and that is when your eyes catch something extraordinary. You come across a mouthwatering food ad that stands out from the rest. The perfectly plated dish looks incredibly delicious. However as a health-conscious individual, you are curious about the nutritional information of this tempting meal.

How to unlock Gen-Z's Buying Potential using emojis

How to unlock Gen-Z's Buying Potential using emojis

Emojis have taken over how the world communicates online. From social media platforms to text messages, emojis have become an integral part of our daily communication. These little expressive icons have taken over our digital conversations. They add a splash of color, humor and personality to our messages making them more engaging and relatable. It’s amazing how a simple string of symbols can convey emotions and ideas, with just a touch of playfulness. 

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