
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Nick van der Klein

Nick van der Klein

As a kid, I was always experimenting, and during my marketing studies I discovered that I was particularly interested in the underlying motives behind the choices consumers make. That’s why I started combining both in my current job as a data analyst and researcher, and I really enjoy sharing the latest insights and knowledge I’ve learned.

Articles from this author

Can Catchy Jingles and Music Capture Consumer Attention during Multitasking?

Can Catchy Jingles and Music Capture Consumer Attention during Multitasking?

The battle for the consumer's attention is reaching a climax. Multitasking increased dramatically, especially during commercial breaks, leaving marketers questioning how to capture consumers' attention.

Media multitasking is the most common form of media consumption today. U.S. adults spend more than 10 hours per day in front of a digital device. Furthermore, studies have shown that almost everyone is multitasking while watching TV mostly with a digital device (laptop, tablet, mobile phone), and multitasking behavior especially increased during TV commercials breaks.

Multitasking forces consumers to divide their attention across different types of media content, resulting in lower attention for each stimulus. As a consequence, the simultaneous use of two types of media diminishes the persuasion of such messages and reduces message memory, message comprehension, and message recall and recognition. This leaves marketers wondering how they can attract and maintain consumer attention during TV commercials.

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