
The Latest Neuromarketing Insights

Kes Nieuwpoort

Kes Nieuwpoort

How can we change one’s behaviour for social or commercial purposes? During my bachelor of Psychology in Leiden, that’s the question that drives me to learn more. I’m passionate about consumer psychology, and everything that has to do with nudging and behavioural change. With a BA in English and passion for Psychology, I’m happy to translate the latest research into Neuro insights.

Articles from this author

Dior or DIOR? How Uppercase Letters Make Brands Feel More Premium

Dior or DIOR? How Uppercase Letters Make Brands Feel More Premium

Let’s say that you’re about to buy a new shirt or dress for a fancy dinner party, which brand would you choose? 

RAFUO or rafuo?

Which one did you like best? Chances are that, when looking for a conspicuous purchase as in this example, you’d choose RAFUO because it looks more premium. It is the extent to which the brand looked premium that helped sell the conspicuous product. Psychologists discovered that uppercase characters have a subtle, yet consistent effect on how premium a brand appears to be. 

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